Applying for an organisation
Are you applying for funding for your organisation?
We welcome applications from charities associated with Hull and East Yorkshire, or the Society of Friends (Quakers). You can apply online in just 30 minutes.
By applying you accept our privacy policy and terms and conditions.
Applying on behalf of an individual
Do you represent a local agency seeking hardship funding for an individual or family in need?
You may want to download the application form for the Grant Giving Consortium.
By applying you accept our privacy policy and terms and conditions.
Here are the main questions we ask during the application form:
Is this organisation a registered charity
Is your organisation associated with the Society of Friends (Quakers)
Is your organisation based in Hull or East Yorkshire
Has your organisation applied for a grant within the last 2 years (even if unsuccessful)
What is the funding for
What are the total costs of the project
How much are you hoping we can contribute
How soon will any funds granted be spent by your organisation
If we contribute, can other donors match our funding
Latest annual accounts or financial statements
Annual report (optional)
How to apply
We welcome applications from charities and organizations associated with Hull and East
Yorkshire or with the Society of Friends (Quakers).
You can apply online in just 30 minutes.